IU Homecoming Court

Crowning IU excellence

Each year we look for outstanding IU undergraduate students to be part of the Homecoming Court. Two members of the Court will be crowned and will each receive a $500 scholarship! Homecoming Court members play important roles, and are asked to participate in the Homecoming Parade and the Homecoming football game.

The application will close September 27 and be reviewed by a panel of judges that includes staff, faculty, and alumni. Applications that are not filled out in entirety will not be considered, so take your time and complete the application thoughtfully. The judges will choose the top 12 candidates and those 12 candidates will be interviewed by the judges. Interviews will be in-person and scheduled in 15 minute increments on Tuesday, October 8, between 6 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.

Court members will be expected to attend a mandatory briefing on Friday, October 4 at 10 a.m. A virtual option will be provided.

Applications for the 2025 Homecoming Court will open summer 2025.


Contact Ally Wolfgang at arwolfga@iu.edu or Eryn Wisler at ewisler@iu.edu.